Tuesday, October 13, 2009

workshop & masterclass by Lady Jeanne & Sir James Galway in YST - NUS, Singapore (6 Oct 2009)

This is the second time I saw Lady Jeanne Galway in person, the first time was in Dewan Filharmonik Petronas when she had her Asian Tour with Sir James Galway and that time it was only a concert.  I attend the two night-concerts in DFP which was 3 years ago.  This time I attend her workshop and Sir James masterclass in YST - NUS, Singapore organised by Singapore Sun Festival.

Lady Jeanne really knows how to teach and her workshop was very inspiring.  She let us know the important of warming up for our daily practices.  She introduced ways of warming up that both Lady Jeanne and Sir James does for their own daily practices.  She even talked little bit about 'Galway school' during this workshop.

I learnt a lot when she conduct classes for the two participants playing during the workshop.  One played Poulenc Sonata and the other Reneicke Sonata.  Lady Jeanne talked about how to play in ease for these two repertoires, how to settle some of the problematic parts for these two repertoires.  I've learnt these two sonatas with my teachers but Lady Jeanne 'solved' few of my big problems which I faces when I play this two pieces.

After her workshop I continue attending Sir James Galway masterclass.  Seeing the man in person, on stage, talking about how he does his daily routine in flute daily practice was such a good experience.  Sir James show us his daily practices and he played and let us know what to look after and taking care of when we do our daily practices.  He show it all during that session then after that he continue with the masterclass with two YST music students.


  1. 上课不专心,还偷偷拍照... 没有被老师骂?

  2. 那天我没带flute去,也有几位同学在偷拍老师 :-)
